The Committee met at 09.30 a.m.
Deputy Pearse Doherty, | Senator Sean D. Barrett, |
Deputy Joe Higgins, | Senator Michael D’Arcy, |
Deputy Michael McGrath, | Senator Marc MacSharry, |
Deputy Eoghan Murphy, | Senator Susan O’Keeffe. |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell, | |
Deputy John Paul Phelan, |
Mr. Marco Buti
Mr. Marco Buti
Mr. Marco Buti
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
I welcome Mr. Buti and thank him for taking the time to be with us. Can I ask Mr. Buti if there was a policy, written or otherwise, within the European Commission, that no bank should fail? | 52 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
This was a failure. Was there a contingency considered by the Commission if, for example, Ireland or any member state allowed a bank to fail? | 56 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
Did the Commission have a contingency in the event of a sovereign default from a member state? | 60 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
Okay. We are clear now that there was an incomplete set of tools. In Mr. Buti’s own words, that was a mistake and a failure, with the benefit of hindsight. Is that fair? | 62 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
Could the limited tools that the Commission had at its disposal have been better used in the context of the crisis here? | 64 |
Mr. Marco Buti
I understand we are not talking here about the crisis period per se. | 65 |
We are talking about the period leading up to it. | 66 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
I do not want to waste Mr. Buti’s time or that of the committee of inquiry. That is not the question. | 68 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I appreciate that. | 70 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
I can be very clear here. We had briefing sessions yesterday afternoon as part of our preparations for Mr. Buti’s appearance before the committee. | 74 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Yes. | 75 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
That is fine | 77 |
Could I ask Senator MacSharry to revert to the purpose of Mr. Buti’s appearance before the committee this morning and refer his questions in that regard? | 78 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I would ask the Senator to—– | 80 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Moving on, can I ask—– | 81 |
Excuse me, Senator MacSharry. | 82 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Yes. | 83 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I would appreciate it—– | 86 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
If I could finish—– | 87 |
Sorry Senator—– | 88 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I will make it relevant. | 89 |
I have to advise the witness here. He is very clear on why he was invited before the committee this morning. | 90 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
My question relates to the pre-2008 period. | 91 |
If questions—– | 92 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
My question relates to the pre-2008 period. | 93 |
I will bring the Senator back in. | 94 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I hope the Chairman will allow for the time he is taking up as well. | 95 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Mr. Marco Buti
May I ask what the Senator means by tax anticipation? | 98 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Marc MacSharry
So there was no consideration given to this kind of thing. | 101 |
Mr. Marco Buti
No, I think it was irrelevant at the time. | 102 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I am only at 13 minutes and I have a stopwatch on. | 103 |
I have a watch here. You are on 15 minutes. | 104 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
You used about three of those. | 105 |
I did, because I am operating the rules of the inquiry. | 106 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
You could be reasonable. | 107 |
I am giving you an extra bit of time, but you are over time at the moment. | 108 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Sorry, you can ask Mr. Buti about the deal and his value—– | 110 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I am sure the people would be interested. He might like to answer it. Can we see if he would like to answer? | 111 |
Yes, he would. If he can be asked a question that is not a leading question I am sure—– | 112 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
That was not a leading question; I am quoting testimony. With respect, I am quoting testimony from three other witnesses, one of whom is this man’s predecessor. | 113 |
You then tried—– | 114 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I am sure the people are interested in that answer. Would Mr. Buti like to answer that question? | 115 |
Mr. Buti, could you relay through the Chair, please? You can quote as many people as you like, Senator, but the—– | 116 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Senator, I am going to—– | 118 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Senator Marc MacSharry
That is neither here nor there. I do not need my questions approved by the Chair. | 121 |
No, but what you do need is to operate with the legal framework—– | 122 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I am. As far as I am concerned I am operating precisely within the legal framework. | 123 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Was it a good approach on the part of the Commission to assume that anyone would do their job in that manner? | 132 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
The expression “had to” does not mean the Government was forced to do this. | 136 |
Mr. Marco Buti
To my knowledge, not by the European Commission. | 137 |
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Buti makes clear on page 5 of his statement that it was not implemented by Ireland. Who in Ireland did not implement it? | 142 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
At the time we did not have the possibility, institutionally and legally, to follow up when a recommendation was not implemented. | 145 |
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
I understand that, but I am asking whether this fed into or changed the relationship between Ireland and the Commission or did it make any difference? | 146 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Buti’s organisation did not know that then. | 154 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy John Paul Phelan
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy John Paul Phelan
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy John Paul Phelan
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy John Paul Phelan
Just briefly, I have a series of questions, and I will cut it down to one. | 167 |
No. There will not be a series of questions; there will be one short supplementary. | 168 |
Deputy John Paul Phelan
Mr. Marco Buti
I have to disappoint you, because this is not within my current set of responsibilities. I cannot answer this question. I apologise. | 171 |
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
In the course of your surveillance of Ireland between 2001 and 2007, did you pay attention to academic articles that were published, work by the ESRI or media articles? | 172 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
So the Commission would pay attention to reports by the ESRI – its medium-term reviews and quarterly economic commentaries? | 174 |
Mr. Marco Buti
As with the other resources, yes. | 175 |
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
Were you asked by the ESRI to intervene with the Government in relation to fiscal policy? | 180 |
Mr. Marco Buti
I cannot tell. Not because I do not want to; I do not know. | 181 |
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
You do not remember from those meetings? | 182 |
Mr. Marco Buti
No; I cannot recall. These types of interaction are the normal ones we had with economists and desk officers at the time. | 183 |
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
When John FitzGerald was before this committee, his recollection was that he did ask the Commission to intervene with the Government, but the Commission took the view that it could not. | 184 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
And would you interact with the IMF and its staff reports on the country? | 188 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Eoghan Murphy
It was the Commission’s responsibility to say that to the country, despite how it was growing. | 192 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Joe Higgins
Mr. Marco Buti
No. | 195 |
Deputy Joe Higgins
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Joe Higgins
Mr. Marco Buti
I risk repeating myself. We did not have the type of tools that we have now. | 200 |
Deputy Joe Higgins
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Joe Higgins
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
Did Mr. Buti receive criticism from Government and Departments in Ireland? | 208 |
Mr. Marco Buti
The criticism was quite general at the time and the recommendation was not implemented. | 209 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
Specifically, did the Commission receive direct communication from Government and the Department of Finance criticising this recommendation? | 210 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
From the Irish Government at the time, there was criticism of the recommendation. What were the recommendations? Would Mr. Buti state specifically what were the recommendations? | 212 |
Mr. Marco Buti
I can read the recommendation. | 213 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
In the limited time, I do not need it in detail. | 214 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
I must ask the Deputy to finish. | 219 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
The Deputy has it. | 221 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
That is the question. With due respect to the Chairman, I am trying to work within the confines. I ask the Chairman to give me some latitude. | 222 |
I have given Deputy O’Donnell loads of latitude because he is over time already. | 223 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
I appreciate that. | 224 |
I ask Mr. Buti to respond. | 225 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
With due respect, I am operating within the time constraints. | 226 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy O’Donnell’s question is a complex one. It encompasses different aspects. | 227 |
Deputy Kieran O’Donnell
It is an important one. | 228 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
On Mr. Buti’s final point regarding Ireland’s structural balance, is the Commission of the view that its forecasts up to 2007 were correct or incorrect? | 233 |
Mr. Marco Buti
I have just answered that in reply to Deputy O’Donnell. | 234 |
Deputy Pearse Doherty
I am just asking whether the Commission’s assessments were correct or incorrect in the lead-up to 2007. | 235 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
With respect, I intend to ask a follow-on question in respect of this matter. I just want Mr. Buti to indicate whether the assessments were right or wrong in the lead-up to 2007. | 237 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Pearse Doherty
Mr. Marco Buti
We saw a dangerous ongoing phenomenon and we signalled this in our documents. We did not, at the time, draw conclusions on all of its consequences. | 246 |
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Is it the case the Commission did not see the risks in the Irish banking system which were being built up in the pre-crisis years? | 249 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
It was ade facto early warning, yes. It was not called that formally; it was a recommendation to Ireland under broad economic policy guidelines. | 256 |
Deputy Michael McGrath
There were no subsequent early warnings pertaining to Ireland before the crisis struck? | 257 |
Mr. Marco Buti
No. | 258 |
Deputy Michael McGrath
Was there any formal policy advice from the European Commission to Ireland? | 259 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
Deputy Michael McGrath
Mr. Marco Buti
I thank Mr. Buti. | 265 |
Senator Sean D. Barrett
Following on from Deputy Michael McGrath’s question, Mr. Buti said the guarantee was too broad. What would he have taken out of the guarantee? | 266 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Sean D. Barrett
What would Mr. Buti take out? | 268 |
Mr. Marco Buti
I cannot say at this stage. | 269 |
Senator Sean D. Barrett
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Sean D. Barrett
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Sean D. Barrett
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Sean D. Barrett
I will take a final question from the Senator. | 277 |
Senator Sean D. Barrett
Mr. Buti said he did not shy away from a critical view of Irish fiscal policy making. Did he shy away from a critical view of Irish monetary policy-making? | 278 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Sean D. Barrett
I thank Mr. Buti. | 280 |
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Mr. Marco Buti
On the 2001— | 282 |
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Yes. | 283 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Was that a mistake? | 285 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Mr. Marco Buti
I am sorry but I cannot comment on that as it is outside my field of responsibility. I apologise. | 288 |
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Michael D’Arcy
Mr. Marco Buti
We will move towards concluding. I invite Senators MacSharry and O’Keeffe to ask their final questions. | 296 |
Senator Marc MacSharry
I have no further questions. | 297 |
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Buti has done so. | 301 |
Mr. Marco Buti
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Mr. Marco Buti
Sitting suspended at noon and resumed at 12.20 p.m.